20 Of The Best Reddit Posts From This Week (13-20 April)


“I made my brother think he has alopecia for the last 15 years.”

“This is probably the pettiest thing I have ever done, and I regret it to this day. When I was 15 years old, I got my first job and started to have some money of my own. I used my money to spoil myself and purchase nicer things like clothes, shoes, makeup, and salon-brand shampoo.

My brother used to constantly sneak into my bathroom and steal my nice shampoo. He would use it, and most of the time, he would leave it open in the bathtub. This would result in the rest of the shampoo going down the drain, leaving me with empty containers.

I hated him for taking my things. I tried to speak with my parents about this, but they told me that I should just learn to share.

One day, I went out and purchased hair removal cream. I mixed this into my shampoo bottle and left it in my bathroom. I gave him a verbal warning not to use my newly purchased bottle, but he stole it again anyway. Over the next few days, his hair slowly started to fall out, and small bald patches started to appear.

Seeing what I had done, I immediately emptied the remaining shampoo. I felt terrible, and I truly didn’t think it would have as dramatic an effect as it did. My mother took him to the doctor to get checked out, and they diagnosed him with alopecia. He then had to start using this special and terrible-smelling shampoo to combat this.

His hair did grow back, but I have just recently found out that he is still using the shampoo to prevent another alopecia flare-up. It has been 15 years now, and I have never told my brother that I caused him to lose his hair.”

u/bigbumcutegold / r/confessions


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